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玉米主要株型性状与产量的全基因组关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了深入剖析玉米的株型性状和产量性状的遗传基础及其相关关系,本研究以204份玉米自交系作为关联群体,利用分布于玉米全基因组上的558 529个单核苷酸多态性标记(SNPs)对5个相关性状进行全基因组关联分析。结果表明,供试自交系各性状基本呈正态分布,且各性状间存在丰富的变异,变异系数在9.00%~50.00%之间;通过相关性分析和热图层次聚类分析株型和产量相关性状间彼此紧密关联;且由主成分分析筛选出总体方差累计贡献率达到71.667%的主成分2个;以P≤1×10-5为显著阙值,利用Q+K模型对供试材料的5个相关性状进行全基因组关联分析,在株高、穗位高和单穗重间共检测到13个显著的SNP位点,分别分布于玉米的第3、第5、第6、第7号染色体上,而在总叶片数和穗上叶数间未检测到显著的SNP位点;在显著SNP上下游各50 kb范围共搜索到39个相关候选基因,其中有注释的基因12个,并对株高与穗位高最佳候选基因进行了预测。本研究通过对玉米株型及产量相关性状进行全基因组关联分析,为后期基因功能的验证与新功能的开发奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   
为了提高大白菜耐抽薹品种的分子育种效率,本研究针对大白菜抽薹相关基因BrFLC1第6个内含子的第一个碱基(Pi6+1)G-A的SNP变异开发进行高通量检测的竞争性等位基因特异性PCR(KASP)标记。结果表明,开发的KASP标记BrFLC1-KASP1可有效将晚抽薹类型材料Y177-12(G)和早抽薹类型材料Y195-93(A)分为2组。利用BrFLC1-KASP1标记可以对57份大白菜材料的基因型进行有效鉴别,且鉴定结果与酶切扩增多态性标记(CAPS)G-MvaI以及直接测序法的鉴定结果完全一致。综上所述, BrFLC1-KASP1标记在大白菜材料中具有通用性,且具有准确率高、成本低、效率高的特点。本研究结果对大白菜耐抽薹性的分子标记辅助选择具有重要的育种实践价值。  相似文献   
【目的】探明长期施用氮磷钾化肥对东北黑土农田土壤nirS型反硝化细菌群落和网络结构的影响,为更加合理的肥料配施提供理论依据。【方法】基于农业农村部黑龙江耕地保育与农业环境科学观测实验站平台,选取不施肥(NoF)、氮肥(N)、磷肥(P)、钾肥(K)、氮钾肥(NK)、氮磷肥(NP)、磷钾肥(PK)、氮磷钾肥(NPK)8个施肥处理,借助荧光定量PCR、Illumina MiSeq高通量测序和分子生态网络技术,分析东北黑土nirS型反硝化细菌丰度、群落及网络结构,及影响反硝化细菌群落变异的主要环境因子。【结果】1)长期施用氮肥均在显著增加nirS基因拷贝数的同时,降低了nirS型反硝化细菌的群落多样性,而磷、钾肥对其影响并不显著。2)Proteobacteria是所有处理中的优势反硝化细菌门,相对丰度为16.96%~27.34%,且氮肥的施用促进了隶属于该菌门中Bradyrhizobium的生长。3)PCoA分析结果显示,8个施肥处理nirS型反硝化细菌群落主要分成施氮肥和不施氮肥两组,说明长期氮肥的施用显著改变了东北黑土反硝化细菌的群落结构。结合Mantel test的结果可知,土壤pH是影响nirS型反硝化细菌群落改变的主要因素。4)分别构建施氮肥和不施氮肥的反硝化细菌分子生态网络,发现施氮肥和不施氮肥网络结构存在很大差异,长期施用氮肥明显简化了nirS型反硝化细菌的网络结构,同时使其网络结构稳定性降低,易受外界环境扰动。【结论】尽管施用化学氮肥有利于土壤养分的增加,但其土壤nirS型反硝化细菌群落及网络结构发生了较大改变,而磷、钾肥的施用对反硝化细菌群落无显著影响。本试验结果为进一步研究东北黑土区农田土壤反硝化微生物对不同施肥管理的响应机制提供了重要科学依据。  相似文献   
In plants, male sterility (MS) is a specific breeding target trait. With the advancements in agriculture, utilization of heterosis breeding in hybrid production through MS lines has become the main breeding tool of various cross‐pollinated and even self‐pollinated crops. Soybean is an essential source of oil and protein; however, the low yield is a major factor limiting its development. Soybean MS mainly comprises cytoplasmic‐nuclear MS and nuclear/genic MS (NMS/GMS), which can effectively utilize heterosis to improve soybean yield. This review outlines the recent research progress on the development of new genetically MS lines, exploring the underlying molecular mechanism of MS, identification and cloning of MS and fertility restoration genes, and the application of MS lines. We further discussed and prospected the future developmental scenario direction of the soybean MS, based on the previous studies of other crops sterility system. Moreover, this review also provides comprehensive information for better application of MS to soybean breeding programme.  相似文献   
水稻Wx~b等位基因已广泛用于籼稻的品质改良,但携带该等位基因的一些籼稻米饭往往偏软,仍需进一步改良。为明确籼稻背景下导入Wxin等位基因对稻米食味品质和理化品质的效应,分别以携带Wxin的IR64和携带Wx~b的9311为供体,以携带Wxa的籼稻SIR3611 (3611)为受体,基于分子标记辅助选择,通过杂交和连续回交的方式构建了3611背景下携带Wxin和Wx~b的近等基因系。系统比较了不同近等基因系间的农艺性状以及稻米的食味和理化品质。结果表明,近等基因系与受体亲本3611的主要农艺性状基本接近,无显著差异。NIL(Wxin)稻米的表观直链淀粉含量较亲本3611极显著下降而胶稠度极显著增加。NIL(Wx~b)稻米表观直链淀粉含量最低且与之对应的胶稠度最高。近等基因系NIL(Wxin)和NIL(Wx~b)稻米的食味值较亲本极显著提高。NIL(Wx~(in))和NIL(Wx~b)稻米的GBSSI丰度与对应的表观直链淀粉含量具有明显的正相关。稻米粉的黏滞性谱、热糊化特性和晶体结构与直链淀粉含量显著相关性。本研究为在我国籼稻品种品质改良中有效利用Wxin等位基因提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
动物的尾巴具有改变方向、控制升降、调整速度、支撑身体、防御、攻击、保温、示警、逃生和捕食等作用。鸟类的尾巴在飞行过程中起到平衡身体的关键作用,但在进化过程中尾部却出现了缩短和融合现象,如中国的瓢鸡及智利的Araucana鸡。作者简述了近年来关于鸡无尾性状的解剖学研究成果,发现无尾鸡在胚胎发育HH19期(Hamburger和Humilton标准分期)就已经出现无尾现象,而在结构上无尾鸡缺乏尾脂腺、尾羽、镰羽、尾椎骨和尾综骨。同时作者分析了导致尾部体节停止发育的分子遗传机制,包括周期性表达基因的转录调控影响尾部延伸过程、后端化因子梯度诱导尾部形成、Hox基因影响体节特化过程及基因突变有可能导致的无尾现象等,从而提出了可能导致家禽无尾性状的胚胎发育时期的关键分子及信号通路,包括Irx1和Irx2基因、Notch信号通路、Wnt信号通路、Fgf信号通路、RA信号通路等。研究鸡无尾性状的分子机制不仅可深入了解脊椎动物胚胎发育中尾部发育机制,更有利于揭示鸟类在进化过程中发生的尾部缩短及融合的机理。  相似文献   
花生是重要的油料与经济作物,在农业种植业结构调整中发挥重要作用。荚果是花生的收获器官,深入 研究花生荚果发育及其调控,可以为高产育种提供理论依据。本文从花生荚果发育过程和内外限制因素的调控作 用,并结合激素、营养元素、遗传学研究以及DNA、RNA等分子调控机制,综述了近年来花生荚果发育相关的研究进 展,为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

1. Theoretically, haplotype blocks might be a more suitable alternative to SNP genotypes as they are usually better at capturing multi-allelic QTL effects, compared to individual SNP genotypes in genome-wide association studies. The objectives of this study were to identify genomic regions related to egg weight traits by Bayesian methods (BayesA, BayesB, and BayesN) that fit fixed-length haplotypes using GenSel software.

2. Genotypes at 294,705 SNPs, that were common on a 600K Affymetrix chip, were phased for an egg-laying hen population of 1,063 birds. Recorded traits included first egg weight (FEW) and average egg weight at 28, 36, 56, 66, 72 and 80 weeks of age.

2. Fitting 1Mb haplotypes from BayesB resulted in the highest proportion of genetic variance explained for the egg weight traits. Based on the trait, the genetic variance explained by each marker ranged from 27% to 76%.

3. Different haplotype windows associated with egg weight traits only explained a small percentage of the genetic variance.

4. The top one 1-Mb window on GGA1 explained approximately 4.05% of total genetic variance for the FEW. Candidate genes, including PRKAR2B, HMGA2, LEMD3, GRIP1, EHBP1, MAP3K7, and MYH were identified for egg weight traits.

5. Several genomic regions, potentially associated with egg weight traits, were identified, some of which overlapped with known genes and previously reported QTL regions for egg production traits.  相似文献   

Icelandic cattle is believed to have been brought from Norway during the settlement of Iceland around AD 870-930. Previous research on genetic relationships has indicated that Icelandic cattle is most related to northern Nordic indigenous breeds. Using single nucleotide polymorphism genotype data from Icelandic cattle and 29 Northern and Western European cattle breeds, we studied relationships and admixture among these breeds, and assessed population structure in Icelandic cattle. Population structure analysis through principal component analysis, estimation of ancestry, and analysis of patterns of population splitting and mixing revealed that Icelandic cattle are most related to three Finncattle breeds (Eastern, Northern and Western Finncattle), and Swedish Mountain cattle. Icelandic cattle has very low levels of admixture. We observed very limited population structure in Icelandic cattle. The observed structure was due to variable sire contributions. Over 1000 years of almost complete isolation has made Icelandic cattle highly genetically distinct from other cattle breeds.  相似文献   
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